Environmental Services
ITS laboratory works in cooperation with professionals of respective technical field like Power Sector, Industrial Estate, Civil Engineering, Air Pollution Modeling, Energy, Hydrogeology and Mining. Their proficiency is of absolute value which takes the client to reach the target with their peace of mind.
ITS laboratory possess skillful and competent specialists who are qualified with M.Sc., B.Tech, M.Tech. and Doctorate degrees in their specific field to work on a particular assignment.
Noise Pollution Survey
Noise pollution caused by weak Urban Planning leads to a number of hearing impairments, cardiovascular effects, stress, tension, blood pressure, loss of concentration in work, damages to buildings and infrastructure and various others. Talking about Noise pollution, it is a sound that is annoying or difficult to bear and does not suit our ears.
Sources of Noise Pollution are many; some of them include air craft’s noise, traffic noise, construction noise, industrial noise, etc.
Environmental Laws related to Noise Pollution
For controlling the level of Noise Pollution, the Government is taking initiatives and has implemented Rules for the same. The Noise Pollution Rules 2000, is implemented to control the increasing level of noise pollution and its provisions are:
The ambient air quality standards with respect to noise for different areas are specified.
The State Government has the authority to categorize the areas as the residential, commercial or industrial.
The State Government can take steps for abatements of noise and ensures that the level of noise should not cross the ambient air quality standards which are specified under these rules.
Loud speakers should not be used without obtaining a permission in written from the authorities and their use can not be made before 6 am and after 10 pm.
100 m area around hospitals, educational institutes and courts are declared as silent.
A person violating the laws or provisions or causing noise in a particular area is liable for getting punished
ITS laboratory takes good care of the rules to be followed and provide services for inspection of Noise Pollution. There are various codes mentioned in the BIS books for Noise Pollution. We carry out Surveys for Noise Pollution according to the protocols specified by National and International Standards like IS, MoEF, etc. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) has set regulations for the damage risk criteria for hearing losses under which details for maximum allowableduration per day with respect to sound pressure level is specified. 115 dB (A) is the maximum exposure limit that is permitted.
Facilities provided by us:
Carrying out the surveys for Noise Pollution at indoor and outdoor premises of the site.
Recommends corrective actions to lower the noise on the basis of survey conducted.
Identify the High Noise Area in and around a particular Site
Identify the location that is contributing to high noise and monitor the time weighted average
Provide support for controlling the Noise to comply the specified Standards.
Noise Data Mapping Services
Indoor Air Quality Services
The presence of contaminants in indoor air leads to countless respiratory disorders which are very dangerous and may also lead to death. Some of the diseases caused by poor air quality include asthma, allergy, lung cancer, pneumonia, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), fatigue, headache, chronic bronchitis, etc. IAQ is an important part of Indoor Environment Quality which also includes psychological and physical aspects of life such as thermal comfort, lightning and visual quality.
Some of Our Services Include:
Bio pollutants
Asbestos fibers
Particulate matters
Volatile Organic Compounds.
Heavy metals like Lead and Arsenic.
Gases like carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide
Development of projects like industries, construction, infrastructure, etc.
These pollutants are the result of various manufacturing processes, building construction materials, by-products combustion, industrial exhaust, incinerators, carpets, paints and transportation. Indoor air pollutants leading to high particle concentration are causing increased respiratory morbidity and mortality.
ITS laboratory is well-concerned about this topic and is striving hard to be a helping hand for checking the quality of indoor air, providing measures to combat such problems, cleaning the environment and reducing the risk of such chronic illnesses. Good quality of Indoor Air contributes to the better health condition of the people, thus keeping the air quality good which further leads to more productive workplaces.
Our services include inspection of heating and air conditioning equipments as well as the Ventilation inspection.
The Different Stages of IAQ Monitoring Are:
Collecting Air samples
Collecting building surfaces sample
Monitoring human exposure to pollutants
Computer modeling of air flow inside the buildings or infrastructure
Determination of IAQ involves the collection of air samples, monitoring human exposure to pollutants, collection of samples on building surfaces and computer modelling of air flow inside buildings.