The quality of air in and around the buildings which directly affects human health is termed as Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). Gases like carbon monoxide, contamination by microbes, particulates and volatile organic compounds diversely affect the IAQ. Thus, monitoring of air quality within a building is necessary so as to lower the risks which could harm the health of a person. Cleaning the indoor environment is equally important as outdoor environment and people have started paying attention towards the safety issues related to this field.
The presence of contaminants in indoor air leads to countless respiratory disorders which are very dangerous and may also lead to death. Some of the diseases caused by poor air quality include asthma, allergy, lung cancer, pneumonia, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), fatigue, headache, chronic bronchitis, etc. IAQ is an important part of Indoor Environment Quality which also includes psychological and physical aspects of life such as thermal comfort, lightning and visual quality.
Some of Our Services Include:
- Ammonia
- Formaldehyde
- Bio pollutants
- Asbestos fibers
- Particulate matters
- Volatile Organic Compounds.
- Heavy metals like Lead and Arsenic.
- Gases like carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide
- Development of projects like industries, construction, infrastructure, etc.
These pollutants are the result of various manufacturing processes, building construction materials, by-products combustion, industrial exhaust, incinerators, carpets, paints and transportation. Indoor air pollutants leading to high particle concentration are causing increased respiratory morbidity and mortality.
Spectro is well-concerned about this topic and is striving hard to be a helping hand for checking the quality of indoor air, providing measures to combat such problems, cleaning the environment and reducing the risk of such chronic illnesses. Good quality of Indoor Air contributes to the better health condition of the people, thus keeping the air quality good which further leads to more productive workplaces.
Our services include inspection of heating and air conditioning equipments as well as the Ventilation inspection.
The Different Stages of IAQ Monitoring Are:
- Collecting Air samples
- Collecting building surfaces sample
- Monitoring human exposure to pollutants
- Computer modeling of air flow inside the buildings or infrastructure