The separation of Crude Petroleum into its various individual fractions (called 'Petroleum Products'), like Petrol, Diesel, & Naphtha, take place in a 'Petroleum Refinery' by a process called "Refining", which consists of 3 steps: (1) Separation (2) Conversion & (3) Purification. There are 4 major types of Petroleum fractions, depending upon their Chemical Bonding patterns:
(1) Paraffins (2) Olefins (3) Naphthenes & (4) Aromati
Depending upon their usage, Petroleum Products can be broadly divided into 2 types, 'Fuel Oil' & 'Lubricants'. Characterization of these products in terms of a number of Physico-Chemical properties, like Viscosity, Octane number, Cetane number, Distillation range, is of utmost importance in determining the suitability of a particular Petroleum Product for the purpose of its intended use, transportation, storage, & other functions
ITS laboratory has been serving its elite group of customers (in the Petroleum & Allied Industries) for well over a decade, by providing reliable & meaningful test results. It can also conduct customized tests, depending upon a client's specific needs. Spectro's credibility lies in its strict adherence to Quality Control Procedures (as per ISO 17025:2005), & its team of efficient & well-trained technicians/analysts who are well-equipped with the most sophisticated & versatile analytical instruments, to test a wide variety of Petroleum Products.